Vacation and Travel Group
Coordinator - Aji Fliss
The Travel Club meets to explore the many aspects of travel including updates on travel tips, personal travel experiences, current regulations by country & tour/cruise/airline operator, etc.
Different modes of travel are discussed as well as how to maximize your travel dollar and how geopolitical events can affect your travels. It is also an opportunity to learn from one another, ask questions and mingle with members who love to discover the world, or who wish to escape to spectacular sunshine and sunsets in wintertime.
I've been the Travel Group Coordinator since the inception of the Comox-Strathcona Club. Whether you are a novice or an experienced traveler you are welcome to join us the 3rd Thursday of the month. I can be reached directly by using the contact form below, or by the phone number listed in the club's membership list.
Different modes of travel are discussed as well as how to maximize your travel dollar and how geopolitical events can affect your travels. It is also an opportunity to learn from one another, ask questions and mingle with members who love to discover the world, or who wish to escape to spectacular sunshine and sunsets in wintertime.
I've been the Travel Group Coordinator since the inception of the Comox-Strathcona Club. Whether you are a novice or an experienced traveler you are welcome to join us the 3rd Thursday of the month. I can be reached directly by using the contact form below, or by the phone number listed in the club's membership list.